Secret Mission Film Set

Secret Mission Film Set? Exciting Film Set in London Raises Suspicion of a Secret Mission

In March 2022, in London near the Dockyards and Excel Arena, London, I stumbled upon a film set that caught my attention. Despite being a typical clear winter’s day, what I saw left me in awe as plant hire is ubiquitous.

The set was filled with plant hire equipment used in different forms and applications. As I approached the set, I noticed a helicopter hanging from a crane, with its propellers removed, swinging and rotating as set lighting filled the area. A host of rigid and roto telehandlers and access equipment supported a large crane. 

I became curious about what was being filmed and decided to ask one of the security guards. The guard told me it was a BBC documentary and that I couldn’t get any closer. However, based on my photographs, I found it hard to believe this was just a documentary shoot.

It looked more like a scene from the upcoming Mission Impossible movie, with the use of a helicopter, a large crane, numerous telehandlers, and other plant equipment.

Only time will tell what kind of blockbuster action we can expect in the film. I would appreciate it if someone could identify the type of helicopter used in the film shoot.

So was it just a BBC Documentary or a Secret Mission Film Set?

Secret Mission Film Set

Secret Mission Film Set or BBC Documentary?

View on YouTube.

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