Plant Hire Customer Checklist

Our Checklist for When You Take Delivery of Your Hired In Plant Machinery

Plant Hire Customer Checklist

Enhance Your Customer Protection with Our Free-to-Download “Plant Hire Customer Checklist”

As the business world becomes increasingly interconnected, we cannot overstate the importance of customer protection.

We have developed a comprehensive ‘Plant Hire Customer Checklist’ to assist you in receiving your hired plant/machinery.

Our checklist will help you perform the essential checks you must perform when you receive hired machinery.

The best part? It’s free to download and use!

1. Check for Any Visible Damage to the Machine

Check for structural, cosmetic, or functional damage that could affect the machine’s performance or safety and avoid incurring damage charges when returning the plant to the hiring company.

Scrutinise the exterior, interior, and all moving parts and ensure that they are in a safe working order..

2. Take Photographs from All Sides

Photos provide valuable evidence of the machine’s condition upon delivery. We recommend taking clear, well-lit pictures from all angles, including close-ups of specific features or visible damage. These can be useful for future reference or in case of disputes.

3. Make a Note of the Hour Reading

The hour meter reading of the machinery can give insights into its usage history. Always note down the hour meter reading at the time of delivery.

It’s essential to inform the hiring company when the machine needs servicing for long-term hires.

To keep the machine running smoothly, service intervals, which include replacing filters and changing oil, should occur every 250 to 500 hours.

4. Check Engine Oil, Coolant, and Other Fluid Levels

The durability and performance of plant machinery depend significantly on maintaining the correct levels of various fluids.

Check the engine oil, coolant, brake fluid, transmission oil, and hydraulic oil levels regularly to ensure they are within the appropriate range.

Additionally, be vigilant for any signs of leaks, which could signal underlying mechanical issues. Leaks, whether of oil or coolant, pose environmental risks and could suggest severe mechanical faults.

If there are any discrepancies or leaks, promptly report them to your plant hire company.

Plant-hire customers are usually responsible for refilling oils and fuels as necessary.

5. Check the Fuel Level

Ensure you receive the machine with a full tank of diesel.

Typically, plant hire companies deliver machinery with a full fuel tank and will charge you for refuelling when you return the equipment and charge you accordingly.

6. Verify Bucket Specifications and Condition

Please double-check that the delivered buckets match the agreed selection and specifications, are free from damage, and have sufficient life left on the teeth or blades.

Proper bucket selection (size selection and toothed or bladed options) and condition are integral for the machine’s productivity and the success of your project.

7. Validate the Inspection Certificate

Most types of machinery (Excavators, diggers, telehandlers and loading shovels) should come with a valid inspection certificate, which serves as proof of regular and suitable maintenance.

This document attests to the equipment’s safety and operational condition. For more detailed information, refer to the guidelines on inspecting work equipment provided by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).

8. Check Flashing Lights

Ensure the amber and green flashing lights are in good working order.

These lights are crucial for health and safety on site, notifying and alerting others of the machine’s operational status and movement.

9. Inspect Quick-Hitch or Bucket Pins

The quick-hitch mechanism or bucket pins should be in good working order.

These components are critical for the machine’s secure and safe operation, allowing for swift and efficient bucket changes.

The failure of quick-hitch mechanisms has been linked to numerous deaths on construction sites, highlighting the critical importance of safety precautions and checks when using excavators fitted with quick-hitch devices.

10. Cleaning of Machinery

Cleaning machinery is crucial to prevent dirt buildup and avoid cleaning charges at the end of the hire period. In muddy conditions, cleaning the tracks before collection is important, as it needs to be done before loading the plant machinery.

This proactive approach ensures that the machinery remains in optimal condition, minimises potential fees for cleaning services, and guarantees a smooth handover process.

PlantClassifieds ‘Plant Hire Customer Checklist’ is a simple but powerful tool to ensure you get what you paid for, minimising potential risks and disagreements. By diligently following this checklist, you can safeguard your interests and enhance customer protection in the plant hire process.

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